Random Findings…

Nadira Amelia
2 min readDec 22, 2021
My random finding of today

Honestly, I forgot all about this project. I think it was made in my final year of uni. My friend and I once played AI Dungeon together. It is a game where players can complete a story together, but in a chatroom and then there’s a chatbot that can reply to our sentences to continue on the story. It was fun and hilarious at the same time. So I had this idea to create something similar, but anyone online can join in, in comparison to a private chatroom between a few players and a chatbot. So basically:

  1. A player can start a story in one paragraph within the maximum number of words.
  2. Other players can join in and add their own twist to a story within a number of words (just a sentence or two).
  3. It can go on forever until someone decides to close the story.

Here’s a sketch of how I planned the design.

A sketch of the design
Design plan sketch

As seen above, I want the player to have read the whole story before adding in their own. After having a solid plan, I start creating wireframes, which can be seen here.

Wireframe of system

After completing it, here’s the final design which you can experience for yourself here.

Final result

In conclusion, there are many flaws to this design such as how many sentences are too much for a user? Or maybe the thought about how a story may be concluded? of course, it is always fun to just be free and let them decide. Or maybe have a max in the number of people who can join in the story. Therefore, I believe redesigning this might be a great idea. ☺️

